The project AFRICOM “Reinforcing Coherence Relevance and Partnership in Computer Engineering Education in Africa” is a cooperation and mobility programme in the area of Higher Education, implemented by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) of the European Union (EU).
The project is designed to facilitate the movement of Masters Students, PhD students and Staff between selected national Universities in the African regions as a means of building capacity and encouraging socioeconomic development in each region.
The project will focus on postgraduate education and research as a means of strategic capacity development by making available a wider variety of postgraduate degrees and research opportunities to students from each region and country.
These mobility activities will increase the competitiveness and attractiveness of the participating Higher Education Institutions towards the ultimate aim of encouraging ‘brain gain’ rather than ‘brain drain’ within each region.
Participants will study, research and explore African solutions for African challenges. This will inevitably create a cadre of trained, open minded and globally oriented individuals who can serve as foundational resources in developing new disciplines / competencies for their respective countries.
The selected applicants of this Project will receive a monthly scholarship, according to the type of mobility they will carry out:
Mobility | Target Group * |
COHORT 1 | COHORT 2 | COHORT 3 | Monthly Stipend |
Master | 1 | 21 | 21 | 21 | € 600 |
Doctorate | 1 | 4 | 4 | 4 | € 900 |
2 | 5 | 5 | 5 | ||
Academic and Administrative Staff | 1 | 7 | 7 | 6 | € 1.200 |
The AFRICOM Project also covers the payment of tuition fees, and some part of research cost (when applicable), travel costs to and from the host country and a health, travel and accident insurance.
Application Form
This form expects to be an easy and simple way to prepare your application, allowing you to introduce progressively the details and information required.
You must start creating your application form by setting your USER and your PASSWORD. From the beginning, you have to choose the type of scholarship for which you want to receive the support of the Programme.
The Application Form can be filled in English or French. However, it is strongly recommended that it is filled in English. All the required documents must be submitted in English. In order to facilitate submission of documents in English, during the grant application procedure candidates may submit a translation done by themselves together with the corresponding document in the language of their country of origin.
Who can apply?
The AFRICOM Project foresees individual mobility flows to:
Students (Master and Doctorate) and Academic and Administrative Staff of the African Countries willing to develop their activity in one of the African Partner Universities:
Full Master students will carry out their studies in Africa, in a partner institution of the Project, with the duration of 10 months with the purpose of undertaking their full training at the host institution and the issue of the corresponding Diploma).
African Countries applicants » Master Mobility (10 months)
In order to be eligible for an AFRICOM scholarship:
Must be nationals of one of the African Countries;
Must have sufficient knowledge of the language of the courses or of one of the languages currently spoken in the hosting countries;
Must be eligible to undertake a sandwich Masters Degree at a partner Institution (applicants must have already completed their Bachelor’s course, completed one successful year of Masters as at time of application and be enrolled in a partner University at the moment of submitting the application);
IMPORTANT: Please note that applicants cannot apply for Masters funding or PhD mobilities at their prior institution of study.
For example, applicants who received their undergraduate degree from The University of Addis Ababa cannot apply for Masters funding or PhD mobilities funding at UAA (all campuses).
Must identify their Target Group:
Target Group I applicants » applicants who have obtained a university degree or equivalent from a African partner institution and who have the support of one of the partner institutions of the African Countries;
Target Group II applicants » applicants who have obtained a university degree or equivalent in a African institution that is not partner in this Project
It is noteworthy to mention that in addition to these criteria there may be other defined internally by each partner institution of the project. It is strongly recommended that the applicants liaise with the contact person of their institution before preparing their application, in order to obtain information about the specific eligibility criteria established either in their home institution (if applicable) or in the Host Institution which they intend to apply to.
IMPORTANT: It is highly recommended to read the Guidelines for Applicants before starting to fill in the online Application Form.
Master Mobility scholarships are available for 10 months to complete some experiments or ongoing studies at another university. An additional month is provided to let the candidate adjust to a new environment.
African Countries applicants » Sandwich Doctorate (10 months)
In order to be eligible for a AFRICOM scholarship:
Must be nationals of one of the African Countries;
Must have sufficient knowledge of the language of the courses or of one of the languages currently spoken in the hosting countries;
Must be eligible to undertake a Doctoral Degree at a partner Institution (applicants must have already completed their Masters course and graduated from a African Partner University on the moment of submitting the application);
IMPORTANT: Please note that applicants cannot apply for Masters funding or PhD mobilities at their prior institution of study.
For example, applicants who received their undergraduate degree from The University of Addis Ababa (UAA) cannot apply for Masters funding or PhD mobilities funding at UAA (all campuses).
Must identify their Target Group:
Target Group I applicants » applicants who have obtained their relevant Masters degree or equivalent from a African partner institution and who have the support of one of the partner institutions of the African Countries.
It is noteworthy to mention that in addition to these criteria there may be other defined internally by each partner institution of the project. It is strongly recommended that the applicants liaise with the contact person of their institution before preparing their application, in order to obtain information about the specific eligibility criteria established either in their home institution (if applicable) or in the Host Institution which they intend to apply to.
IMPORTANT: It is highly recommended to read the Guidelines for Applicants before starting to fill in the online Application Form.
Doctorate students will undertake a mobility period in one of the partner institutions of the project, under the doctoral programme in which they are enrolled in their home countries (in Africa), with the duration of up to 10 months (this mobility period must be fully recognized by the AFRICOM partner Institution).
African Countries applicants » Doctorate Mobilities up to 10 months
In order to be eligible for a AFRICOM scholarship:
Must be nationals of one of the African Countries;
Must have sufficient knowledge of the language of the courses or of one of the languages currently spoken in the hosting countries;
Must be enrolled in a Doctorate programme at one of the African Countries partner institutions (Target Group I applicants only).
It is noteworthy to mention that in addition to these criteria there may be other defined internally by each partner institution of the project. It is strongly recommended that the applicants liaise with the contact person of their institution before preparing their application, in order to obtain information about the specific eligibility criteria established either in their home institution (if applicable) or in the Host Institution which they intend to apply to..
IMPORTANT: It is highly recommended to read the Guidelines for Applicants before starting to fill in the online Application Form.
The Academic and Administrative Staff will develop, in a partner institution of the Project, activities for the exchange of knowledge, skills and experiences with the duration of 1 month of effective work.
African Countries applicants » Academic and Administrative staff (mobility) (1 month minimum)
In order to be eligible for a AFRICOM scholarship:
Must be nationals of one of the African Countries;
Must have sufficient knowledge of the language of the courses or of one of the languages currently spoken in the hosting countries;
Must be currently working (full time) in a partner institution of the African Countries (Target Group I applicants only).
It is noteworthy to mention that in addition to these criteria there may be other defined internally by each partner institution of the project. It is strongly recommended that the applicants liaise with the contact person of their institution before preparing their application, in order to obtain information about the specific eligibility criteria established either in their home institution (if applicable) or in the Host Institution which they intend to apply to.
IMPORTANT: It is highly recommended to read the Guidelines for Applicants before starting to fill in the online Application Form.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This communication reflects the views only of the author. The Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Download File: AFRICOM guidelines for applicants – English