The AFRICOM Project

The Intra AFRICA Programme

The Intra AFRICA Academic Mobility Scholarship Programme is a cooperation and mobility programme in the area of Higher Education, implemented by the Education, Audio-visual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).

It aims to promote African higher education, to help to improve and enhance the career prospects of students and to promote intercultural understanding through cooperation in accordance with EU external policy objectives, in order to contribute to the sustainable development of third world countries in the field of higher education. It includes exchange and mobility at all levels of higher education, including a scholarship scheme. This means support for mobility for students (in the case of the AFRICOM Project only doctorate, master and staff – academic and administrative).
The specific objectives of the Academic Mobility Programme are:

  • To contribute to the mutual enrichment of societies by developing the qualifications of men and women so that they possess appropriate skills, particularly regarding the labour market, and are open-minded and internationally experienced;
  • To promote mobility both for students, researchers and academics from third countries, including from vulnerable groups, selected on the basis of academic excellence, to obtain qualifications and/or experience in the African countries;
  • To contribute towards the development of human resources and the international co-operation capacity of higher education institutions through increased mobility streams in Africa in accordance with the principles of equal opportunities and non-discrimination.

The AFRICOM project

It is in this context, the University of Yaoundé I coordinates the AFRICOM project “Reinforcing Coherence Relevance and Partnership in Computer Engineering Education in Africa”, a partnership of Higher Education Institutions from African Countries, within which students, researchers and academic and administrative staff from the AFRICAN Countries will be selected and will receive financial support to develop masters, mobility within doctoral programmes, research, teaching and administrative activities in Africa.


The AFRICOM project is a mobility project with an innovative approach to higher education and in line with the strategy of the African Union and the European Union.

This project focuses on training and research, involving the five regions of Africa, 6 partner universities and covering four working languages (Arabic, French, English and Portuguese) and under the supervision of one technical partner from Europe, Spain (EU).

The project aims to exchange students and scientists in various scientific fields using a multidisciplinary approach to accommodate the concept of the HIGH TECH COMPUTING platform activities related to construction and sustainability. This approach allows partners to integrate effectively the four thematic areas of this call for proposals.

Starting from the fields of intersection between the computer sciences, information science, digital science and traditional disciplines such as mathematics, the idea to work on HIGH TECH COMPUTING emerges: as a base for sustainable development. In this way the higher education institutions (HEIs) will quickly understand that approaches to development need to be multidisciplinary, cross cutting and holistic. In the meantime, the collaboration and co-supervision of students must be able to unite the once widely separated institutions and lead them to achieve common goals.

AFRICOM aims to contribute to human resource development and international cooperation capacity of higher education institutions (HEIs) by highlighting a mobility of 110 people (students, academic and administrative staff) that will impact in mutual enrichment of societies by developing international experience and qualified women and men.

Expected results related to the objectives outlined in the call for Proposals are many: These include:

  • Amplification of the reform initiatives of Higher Education by existing inter-regional harmonization of HE systems in Africa,
  • Scientific exchange in multidisciplinary fields,
  • Strengthening the quality of training,
  • Educational innovations by designing modules for easy cross employability and student success,
  • Improving competitiveness and entrepreneurship among students,
  • Sharing and disseminating good practices in the organization of this mobility,
  • Sustainable development of networks at the continental, regional and bilateral levels,
  • Training of academic and administrative staff,
  • Involvement of institutional leaders and policy-makers in order to develop cooperation in the overall strategy of institutional internationalization.


AFRICAN Partners:

UYI Université de Yaoundé I Cameroun
UK Université Kairouan, Tunisie Tunisie
UNN University Of Nigeria Nsukka Nigeria
UCAD Université Cheik Anta Diop, Dakar Sénégal
UM5 Université de Mohammed V ENSIAS Maroc
UCT University of  Cape Town South Africa

 Technical Partner:

UD University of Deusto Spain


DOWNLOADThe AFRICOM guidelines for applicants – English August 2018 


  1. please can other person from different discipline apply

  2. Milone Yommouth Yves Cabrel

    i will better for Africa to facilitate finance support in any topics in sciences. For facilitate and encourage students Master’s and PhD , all African government should to put in place a finance support programs in all Universities. That will reduce quantities of travel in internationals countries to do the research. Africa is obligate to develop is own finance support program.

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